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Greetings - Never Bend Your Head

Originally Published on July 17, 2024

Hi, Taehyung-ah 🤗🤗🤗 How are you? I hope that things are going well for you. You've got so many achievements these days and I really want to write letter updates, however, I've constantly been annoyed on these hackers-stalkers pretending to be students and taking my class to talk about 💩. Last time, they showed how stupid and outdated they were by still holding traditional cultural views that are now considered gender discrimination. They're still saying men are logical and women are emotional. I told him that perspective is cultural, and that actually, both men and women are emotional and logical. Also, the global standard is gender equality. That student even told me not to push my opinion on others 😂 That’s not even an opinion, that’s education. Obviously, some hackers-stalkers assigned that topic and gave that script. They've been taking news articles targeting social media because I've been very expressive in Twitter and Weverse, and they definitely don't want their harassment and incompetence to be found out. That's the reason why the Japanese economy is now declining because they're still generally narrow-minded, incompetent, and worse, unsupportive of other's progress. These are the qualities of poor countries, so it's no wonder they're becoming poor, their economy is stagnant and declining, and their population is decreasing. Japanese women don't want to marry such stupid and envious Japanese men anymore. I've been ranting about these annoyances on social media, which took the time I'm supposed to write letter updates. I also really want to finish my assignments  so I might stop these very annoying and degrading part-time jobs. I already know I didn't like them before but I still gave them a chance since I thought there's nothing to lose. Apparently, those hackers-stalkers have taken advantage of those platforms and are wasting your money again. They even made fun of you by indirectly saying you're bankrupt during our classes. They didn't really care where to spend your investments, and despite knowing those part-time jobs are on the verge of bankruptcy with the declining Japanese economy, they were happier and more driven to waste your money there because they can pretend to be my students and annoy and harass me. I wish you could see the expressions on their faces when they're smiling and trying to hide a laugh when I'm shaking in anger. It's part of their policy that you shouldn't disagree with the student and you have to maintain a calm and polite face even though the student has already been disrespecting you and saying degrading things to you. That's why Japan is full of twisted, insincere people. In Germany, people shouldn't smile like that when they're supposed to be angry or Germans will think they're psychopaths or anyone manipulative with malicious intentions. The Japanese might even be worse than China in their duplicity and corruption (both mo*ral and econ*omic). Not to mention the pay is so low. It's almost three times lower than the pay I get from my writing jobs and classroom teaching before if I have to work with the same number of hours, but since I only work for a few hours a day, I get 95% lower than my basic salary before. The Japanese still have the guts to face their tutors when they're paying them only what the people in my country will pay to janitors here, and they even have so many rules and censorship.  That's why those online teaching platforms are always hiring because tutors leave them right away. It's disgusting how such Asian deception tactics are being spread to the West, especially in America in recent years. "Power", a book by Robert Greene, is a collection of such deceiving tactics he observed from ancient rulers in Asia, and I'm sure he's referring to both China and Japan. I picked up this quote from that book today.  At that time of rolling these quotes, I didn't know the source. Here's the quote: "Keep your friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent." - Robert Greene. He said that because bribery is common in Asia, and because of that, someone will always have to "kowtow" or be submissive to the higher authority, as it's generally thought they got the position through kowtow and bribery. That also means they can't show off if they are skillful as it is the norm to drag them down if they are a threat to the position. That's just a 💩 to prevent progress, right? Fast forward to many generations after, other countries have already advanced, and though China and Japan are still behind those countries, they've been trying to catch up through education that gives fair chances to the skilled and competent. But guess what, they still keep the same backward leadership. Others still have to kowtow and be submissive to them. Harass others when they're in the position to do so and smile if they're in the receiving end even if there's nothing pleasant nor funny, both are just psychopathic, machiavellian, and unnecessary. Also, since that book, Power, is the #1 popular and most sought-after book among American prisoners, you can see how such Asian classic deception and covert violence can bring out the worst in others. No wonder, such a continent that has the oldest civilization has never become a world power. It's always the best example of what nations shouldn't become. Actually, if you can't trust your friends to keep you safe, be it in personal and professional/business fields, they're not your friends; they're concealed enemies. Cut them out and don't entrust your possessions and resources to them. But if they're the friends you trust, you can see their potential, and it's better to work with them and help them bring that potential to the fullest. Unfortunately, I give too much to the people in my life and look at how they've taken advantage of me and gossiped about me, just like my family and those hackers-stalkers roommates before. The hackers-stalkers who have been employed since, who should have been thankful they have a well-paying no-brainer stalker job, have callously made allusions to me and disturbed me with their noise both here and in public places like the bus or coffee shops. They saw a weaker, poorer master, whom they can exploit, harass, and control. Another Asian deception tactic that's well-documented in that best-selling book. That's why, for a long while now, I've been picky about these people who are trying to join my space. They haven't even made any efforts to not be annoying and disturbing, at least if they can't be helpful. Such backward people, right? Here's another quote I picked up today: "It's not about how bad you want it, it's about how hard you're willing to work for it." - Unknown. I don't know where this is from, but again, quotes like these are commonly found in scam farms and toxic workplaces like ESL and call centers. Why? Because they just want the workers to be slaves and work themselves to death, while also constantly reminding them that "everyone is replaceable" (that's the exact phrase we hear from onboarding and orientation, training, and even in team-building! 🙄) I remember seeing that quote in a bulletin board right at the entrance before as a motivational quote. My neighbors right now are saying "huh?" and reacting wildly 🙄 I wish I can tell these hackers-stalkers they're replaceable, but it seems they've been dealt with very generously and humanely by the HR (or whoever’s handling them), while these hackers-stalkers have been harassing me with noise here and degrading talk in my online classes. There should be a stop button to all of this, but I wonder why it's not pressed yet. It's working a little bit since these neighbors hackers-stalkers have been playing oldies songs to make me come back to you while the Japanese hackers-stalkers are taking another strategy, just making fun of the breakup and saying you're bankrupt. They also made fun of me, saying I exported my own fat since I lost 10 kilos. I weighed 57 in 2021-2022, and I weigh 47 in 2024. They can't even admin it's because of them, hackers-stalkers, who have been causing me stress and fear, they've been raping me (or why would they insist I don't lock my door at night? and harassing me. Here's my motivational quote for you today: "Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye." - Helen Keller. Simply, don't tolerate the harassment of others. When you allow it once, you'll be bound to do it again and again everywhere you go, so cut the evil while it's still at the doorstep. Face the world with confidence, acknowledging your talents and skills and your potential for great progress. Listen to the right people, those who are supportive of you, who also bring the talents and skills that you wish to develop, and of course, who care and have your best interest at heart (in other words, they won't harm you nor betray you). I wonder if you're still listening to me, but if not, then like what these hackers-stalkers and those people on your side are saying, it's better for you. If we don't walk on the same path or look in the same direction, we can't continue to be a team. I'll keep cheering for you though. I love you so much, Taehyung-ah. I, and so many of your fans and ARMYs, love you so much. May you never stop believing in that. May you always be assured of our love and support for you and know that when it comes to us, you don’t have to do anything unlike you. May you always find the best in you, or the best way to express your ingenuity in every situation, and be happy and proud. There will always be so many among us who can see how amazing you are each time. I hope you’ll cut the things, people, and situations that make you sad and obscured. Don’t be sorry for being yourself. Always remember you are always loved. Borahae, Saranghae, Taehyung-ah. ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍💜💜💜